Local Development

Those of us who are concerned with unlocking human potentials need to recognize the importance of authorizing citizens to constitute their own local jurisdictions and associations using the knowledge and experience they have concerning the public problems they face. We have much to do to enable citizens all over the world to participate actively in local public economies
Elinor Ostrom, Nobel Prize winner 2009

Local development is intrinsically associated with a multidimensional concept of change bringing together economic, social, cultural and environmental dimensions; with innovation across and in the spaces between these dimensions. It may be seen as a method which helps improving quality of life, supporting or accelerating empowerment of ordinary people, developing or preserving local assets, overcoming market failures, strengthening cohesion, and defining and delivering grass-root development projects. (European Union, 2010).

Local development initiatives are sometimes defined as area-based integrated strategies mobilizing locally available resources, municipalities, citizens and local stakeholders, specifically focusing on socio-economic results and better living conditions.

Local Development | T&MC Group

We are supporting municipalities and communities to define and implement sustainable and integrated local socio-economic development strategies!

Our services and experience


Local Economic Development Strategy

Shaping visions of long-term sustainable and accelerated local development that reduces the gap between underdeveloped and developed local communities is the most important goal of EU cohesion policies.

Creating development strategies and intervention priorities and incubating projects that will have multiplier effects on the development of local communities is a critical first step in planning. Today we use different tools and methodologies of local development planning. The emphasis is on the concepts of “smart city / smart village” which are based on the application of new technologies and “smart solutions” in the development of municipalities and small towns.


Capital Projects Consulting

Sustainable local development requires innovative solutions. Hence public capital projects at the local level require, more than ever before, careful preparation and planning. Intervention programs in local economic development, especially in less developed regions and rural areas, are today most often financed from EU funds.

We have our own methods and extensive experience in preparing "business cases", preparing feasibility studies with cost-benefit analyzes, organizing financing and managing complex capital projects in municipalities and cities.


Urban Regeneration

The regeneration of cities in post-industrial and post-Fordist times and the management of cultural and industrial heritage is a major challenge for local communities. Especially important is the revitalization of small towns, from which residents move to large metropolitan cities in search of better jobs.

We advise city authorities on strategic topics of urban regeneration and revitalization and connecting cities with their rural environment. Our experience includes strategic urban-architectural planning, project preparation, development of "business cases", launching public-private initiatives, project financing and management of public procurement processes.

T&MC d.o.o., Zagreb, Republic of Croatia, through HAMAG BICRO - Croatian Agency for Small Business, Innovations and Investments, is the recipient of the ESIF financial instrument „EFRD Small loan for working capital”.
