Corporate Finance
There will always be crises. That is the nature of the capitalist system, the forces which make it work, what makes it productive.Prof. Richard Portes, Professor of Economics at London Business School
The number of corporate crises has increased significantly in recent years, especially in economic crisis. The companies affected must be restructured, and it has become conventional wisdom that they must do more than improve operations and realign their strategies.
Corporate finance is the area of finance that deals with providing money for businesses and the sources that provide them. These sources provide capital to corporations to pay for structural improvements, expansion, and other value-added projects and enterprises.
The purpose of corporate finance is to maximize shareholder value. There are many methods that a company can utilize to maximize shareholder value. Corporate finance function has to put much more effort in strategic planning, financial management and risk control.

Companies today must focus on organizing their finances, redefine their business model and restructure the operations!
How we can help?
Corporate finance diagnostics, restructuring and strategic planning
The first necessary step is to determine the financial position of your company and all the risks that come from the financial side.
In the second step, it is necessary to plan and implement measures of short-term improvements, such as reducing and controlling costs and increasing revenues and profitability.
The third step in improving the financial position of your company means ensuring financial stability through the planning and implementation of long-term measures such as ensuring long-term financing of investments in fixed and working capital.
Growth financing
If you are considering new investments and expanding your business, we help you secure financing and make financial decisions.
Today, growth financing can be provided from a number of sources: from commercial and institutional banks, venture capital / private equity funds to financing through EU structural and cohesion funds.
We can help you along this path with our extended experience.
Merger & Acquisition Consulting
Mergers and acquisitions are becoming an increasingly important model for ensuring business growth, increasing competitiveness or ensuring the survival of companies in situations of sexual crises or the inability to find successors.
We have very extensive experience in spin-off and takeover projects in the SME sector. In the past two decades, we have successfully implemented over 20 projects.
If we are on the sales side of the company, our role is focused on achieving maximum value for shareholders. If we advise companies that are taking over their competitors and thus ensuring inorganic growth, we are helping to examine all risks, maximize value and successfully integrate after the takeover.
Only a structured approach guarantees the success of mergers and acquisitions!